
When is Lent in 2024? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

When is Lent in 2024? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

On February 14th , two special things will happen. Some people will celebrate Valentine's Day with love and gifts , while others will start a sacred period of prayer and fasting called Lent. It's a day for both hearts and quiet thinking, all leading up to Easter. It is a special time for Christians worldwide. People engage in various activities to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus during Easter.

Ash Wednesday marks the commencement of Lent for numerous Christians in the Western world. For 40 days, people fast, repent, read the Bible, and give up some comforts. One common thing is fasting, a way to control yourself and follow what Jesus taught, according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. So, if you are preparing for Easter and Valentine’s Day, do not forget about this.

When does Lent start in 2024?
When does Lent start in 2024?

It begins on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. This day is also known as Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, the priest or pastor at the church dips their fingers in ashes, mak a cross on people's foreheads, and says, "Remember man, you are dust; to dust you shall return." The ashes come from burning palm branches used in the previous year's Palm Sunday on March 24th.

How Long is Lent 2024?
How Long is Lent 2024?

It lasts for 40 days, excluding Sundays. The number 40 is important because it has a special meaning. Father William Saunders from the Catholic Education Resource Center states that "40" has always been spiritually important. Above all, for 40 days and nights in the desert, Jesus chose not to eat and prayed before starting his public work.

When does Lent end?
When does Lent end?

It ends three days before Easter, March 31st, 2024. So, this year, it will end on March 28th, 2024. The week before Easter, called Holy Week, is special for Christians. It starts on Palm Sunday, March 24, remembering when Jesus entered Jerusalem triumphantly, getting palm branches. After that is Holy Wednesday, recognizing Judas's plan to betray Jesus. The next day, Maundy or Holy Thursday marks the end—a day of remembering Jesus's Last Supper with his friends.

Is Lent a Federal Holiday?
Is Lent a Federal Holiday?

As declared by law, a federal holiday means a public holiday. However, it is not considered a federal holiday, including Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The only religious celebration recognized as a federal holiday is Christmas Day.

5 Meaningful Things You Should Give Up for Lent 2024
5 Meaningful Things You Should Give Up for Lent 2024

As Easter approaches, Christians and Catholics worldwide are gearing up for this religious observance. It's a 40-day period of prayer and sacrifice starting on Ash Wednesday (February 14th, 2023) and ending on Holy Thursday (March 28th, 2024).

Many give up things like meat, excessive social media, or unhealthy habits to strengthen their connection with God. While it is challenging, choose wisely, stick to it, and have a meaningful Lenten season.

  • 1. Complaining

    Instead of focusing on the things that bother you, try to find gratitude daily to make your Lenten season more positive and meaningful. It's a small change that can greatly change your outlook during this special time of reflection and prayer.

  • 2. Excessive Social Media

    Instead of scrolling endlessly, use that time for real-life activities and connections. It can help you be more present in the moment, build deeper relationships with those around you, and find more joy and fulfillment in the meaningful things happening in your life.

  • 3. Gossiping

    If you don't have something good to say about someone, it's better not to say anything. During Lent, avoiding negative comments and fostering a positive atmosphere by sharing kind words and positive vibes is advisable.

  • 4. Eating Meat

    Avoid red meat and other foods like beef, chicken, or pork by replacing meat with other tasty and healthy foods to show self-discipline and reflect on the importance of Lent. Many people do it, especially on Fridays, to remember Jesus's sacrifices.

  • 5. Alcohol

    Like those who try a dry January, consider giving up alcohol for Lent 2024, which means no beer, wine, or other alcoholic drinks. It's a choice of self-control and spiritual reflection, making Lent more meaningful. Try non-alcoholic alternatives during this time.

Lent in 2023 began on February 22nd, but in 2024, it kicks off earlier on February 14th, Ash Wednesday. This special time lasts 40 days, ending on Holy Thursday, March 28th. Lent is a special time for Christians to pray, make sacrifices, and reflect on their faith while preparing to celebrate Easter on Sunday.

It's a meaningful period for Christians to focus on their beliefs and positively change their lives. Throughout this season, individuals often give up certain things for self-discipline and spiritual growth, making Lent a significant and prayerful time for Christians worldwide. Make Lent 2024 more meaningful than Lent 2023!

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